4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula
Rp. 1.194.610 (Normal) | Rp. 898.200 (Member)
POM SI 104 301 791
Isi 90 Kapsul
Primary Support: Sistem Imun dan Kesehatan secara keseluruhan
4Life Transfer Factor Plus TriFactor Fomula mengandung 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula ditambah ramuan khusus Cordyvant™ untuk sistem imun.
4Life Research menjamin produk 4Life Transfer Factor Plus TriFactor Fomula sebagai produk yang berkualitas tinggi dan efektif.
Manfaat 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula
- Sistem imun.
- Mengandung UltraFactor XF®, OvoFactor® dan NanoFactor® ekstrak dalam jumlah 100mg per kapsul.
- Immune IQ.
4Life Research memastikan eksklusivitas produknya dengan perlindungan hak paten Amerika Serikat:
- #6.468.534 ( proses ekstraksi transfer factor dari sumber kuning telur ayam )
- #6.866.868 ( proses kombinasi transfer factor dari sumber kolostrum sapi dan kuning telur ayam ).
Testimoni 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula
“For years, I would need extra immune system support at certain times of the year. I tried everything but didn’t get great results. A year ago, a friend came to visit and suggested that I take 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula to boost my immune system. I was thrilled with the support the product provided. I have since become a 4Life distributor and I tell everyone I meet about this amazing product.”*
Hussain Mujahid, 4Life distributor
Texas, USA
“I have been taking 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula for a few years. I feel great. I recommend this product to everyone. It’s the best! Thanks, 4Life.”*
Marlene Diaz, 4Life customer
Florida, USA
“Several years ago, my husband Joel and I were introduced to 4Life. I had been searching for a way to support my health. I began faithfully taking 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula and really loved the results. I thank God, 4Life, and 4Life Transfer Factor for helping me enjoy a great lifestyle and great health.”*
Jennifer Martinez, 4Life distributor
Florida, USA